Star Trek Enterprise

Star Trek Enterprise Cast

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Series Description

Star Trek Enterprise was a 60 minute sci-fi series on UPN (now the CW Network). It was set in the 22nd century, and before Captain Kirk's day. Efram Cochran had given Earth the warp drive and we met our first aliens species - the Vulcans. Mankind was ready to begin the exploration of other star systems and meet other intelligent alien species, or were we? Some of the species we would meet would be friendly and some would not. We would eventually bond together with our new friends to form the Federation of Planets. Unfortunately, we also had to deal with our new enemies too! In any case, mankind faced many new opportunities and challenges during its first baby steps into the unknown on Earth's first starship, The first Enterprise!

Enterprise Cast

Scott Bakula .... Captain Jonathon Archer
Jolene Blalock .... Sub Commander T'Pol
Linda Park .... Ensign Hoshi Sato
John Billingsley .... Doctor Phlox
Anthony Montgomery .... Ensign Travis Mayweather
Connor Trinneer .... Charlie Tucker
Dominic Keating .... Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reed

Star Trek Enterprise Trivia

This TV show takes place in the 22nd century, approximately 115 years before James T. Kirk's time and 215 years before the Next Generation.

Transporters are fairly new at the time of this series and many people still don't trust them.

Not all of the Enterprises' controls are of the "touch-screen" type. There are still some buttons to be pushed. There are 80 Plasma screens on the bridge set alone though.

Paramount Studios' ownership of Star Trek Productions has earned them nearly $2 Billion! Paramount got a real bargain when they bought those rights in 1967 from Desilu Studios along with the rights to several other TV series for only $17 Million!

Scott Bakula's first recurring role on a TV show was "Gung Ho (1986)" but he's probably best know before Enterprise as Doctor Sam Beckett, the time-travelling scientist on "Quantum Leap". He also appeared on "Murphy Brown" for 3 Years in the role of Peter Hunt and on several other lesser known shows.

Dominic Keating was not "called back" after his initial audition for a guest shot on "Star Trek: Voyager" because Rick Berman wanted to save him for "Enterprise".

Humans knew that the Vulcans lived much longer than we do and a few of the Enterprise crew members tried to find out how old T'Pol was but no one found out until episode #76, "Zero Hour". In that episode, T'Pol said that she would be 76-years-old on her next birthday!

Admiral Forest (Commander-In-Chief of Starfleet) is named after DeForest Kelley (Dr. McCoy - Original Star Trek). In the series pilot, "Broken Bow - Part 1), Commander Williams is named after William Shatner (Captain Kirk) and Admiral Leonard is name after Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock).

The 2 hour long pilot, "Broken Bow" cost $3.75 Million to produce.

Mankind is just starting to explore the galaxy and is somewhat dependent on the Vulcans for information about star systems and help in dealing with other species. The Vulcans are much more cautious in their exploration than Earthlings and this causes many "differences of opinion" on how to handle many situations that the crew of the Enterprise encounter.

Theme Song

Title: "Where My Heart Will Take Me"

Written By: "Diane Warren"

Performed By: "Russell Watson"

It's been a long road, getting from there to here.
It's been a long time, but my time is finally near.
And I will see my dream come alive at last. I will touch the sky.
And they're not gonna hold me down no more, no they're not gonna change my mind.

Cause I've got faith of the heart.
I'm going where my heart will take me.
I've got faith to believe. I can do anything.
I've got strength of the soul. And no one's gonna bend or break me.
I can reach any star. I've got faith, I've got faith, faith of the heart.

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