Series Description Sealab 2021 was an animated sci-fi comedy series that aired on the Cartoon Network's "Adult Swim". The Earth's surface has become so hot that its an uncomfortable place to live so an international organization developed an underwater research colony. The idea was to allow humans to move under the sea where they would be protected from the heat but the crew of the habitat were a bunch of misfits who couldn't get along with each other. The language and violence got pretty rough so this is not your kids' cartoon series! Sealab 2021 Characters
Harry Goz .... Captain Hazel "Hank" Murphy (2000-2003) Sealab 2021 Trivia
There was a Sealab 2021 pilot produced to pitch the series but it was not broadcast. It was however added as a special feature when the season one dvds came out.
A 53rd episode titled, "Ronnie" began production but was not complete and, therefore, never aired.
This series is ironically and loosely based on an old Hanna-Barbera cartoon called "Sealab 2020" that educated kids about the danger of polluting the environment.
A popular soft drink on Sealab 2021 was called "Bebop Cola". It was originally going to be called "Jazz Cola" until a company notified the producers that they already used that name to make a real-life soda. Later from 2006-2009, Pepsi also marketed a diet soft drink called Jazz that came in three flavors - Black Cherry and French Vanilla, Caramel Cream and Strawberries and Cream.
Bebop Cola also had different flavors. Their names were puns based on famous Jazz performers. The flavors were Artie Shawberry, Cab Colaway, Dave Bruberry, Dexterade, Don Wild Cherry, Fizzy Gillespie, Getzberry, Gilberto Grape, John Cola-Trane, Kiwi Holliday, Mango Reinhardt, Marian McPineapple, Mingus Dew, Nina Lemone, Or'ngette Coleman, Peachmo, Plain & Diet Plain, Root Bird and Vince Guavaldi.
Episodes #36, "Dearly Beloved Seed" and #46, "Butchslap" list "mcheshpants420" as the writer in the credits. Comedy Central said that he was a fan who regularly posted on Sealab 2021's official forum. They added that he often submitted scripts and they accepted those two. His true identity has never been revealed however and it seems likely that it's really a story made up to add a mystique to the show.
Sealab 2021 contained a "goof" that was put there on purpose in order to spoof goofs. In episode #10, "Murphy Murph and the Feng Shui Bunch" there's a scene including a telephone surrounded by graffiti. In the next scene showing the phone there is some new graffiti that says, "This graffiti is not different stop pausing".
Episodes List With Original Air Dates
Season 1
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