Series Description The Camp Wilder TV show was a 30 minute comedy series on ABC about a 28-year-old divorced nurse named Ricky with a 6-year-old daughter. Ricky's parents suddenly died, leaving her 13-year-old sister and 16-year-old brother in need of a substitute parent so Ricky decided to take on the job! Camp Wilder Cast
Mary Page Keller .... Ricky Wilder Camp Wilder Trivia:
The Camp Wilder TV show was Jerry O'Connell's second starring role on television. He played the role of Andrew Clements on the series, "My Secret Identity" for 72 episodes from 1988 through 1991! It may have taken a couple of years after Camp Wilder left the air, but Jerry was eventually back in demand as he was offered a starring role on the series, "Party of Five". Jerry turned down that role so he could take the lead role on the sci-fi series, "Sliders"! After Sliders, Jerry also starred on the hit series, "Crossing Jordan" and also had starring roles on two short-lived TV series titled, "Carpoolers" and "Do Not Disturb".
Ricky Wilder was not the strictest "parent" in the neighborhood, to say the least! The more traditional parents didn't care too much for Ricky's easygoing parental methods but the teens in the neighborhood sure did! The Wilder home became the local teen hangout. That's how the series got its name, "Camp Wilder"!
ABC included the Camp Wilder TV show in a pretty decent Friday night comedy schedule! They aired "Family Matters" at 8:00PM, "Step by Step" at 8:30, "Dinosaurs" at 9:00, and "Camp Wilder" at 9:30!
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