Series Description Abby and Brittany is a 30 minute reality series that premiered on TLC on August 28, 2012. It's about two sisters who share much more than most siblings ... they share a body! The series explores their challenges and their achievements as they do surprisingly excellent at living a normal life by graduating from college, travelling to Europe and finding their first job!
Abby and Brittany Cast
Abigail "Abby" Hensel Abby and Brittany Trivia:
Each of the girls controls her own side of their shared body so they had to work together as infants in order to learn how to crawl, walk, run, swim, ride a bicycle, clap hands and do anything else that requires both sides of a body to work at the same time!
At birth the girls had a third arm that was attached to their shoulder blade in the back and it was removed.
Abby and Brittany have two spines with two totally seperate spinal cords. They have two hearts but they share a common circulatory system. They have four lungs, two gallbladders, two stomachs and three kidneys but only two legs, two breasts, one liver, one bladder and one set of reproductive organs.
They may share a body but Abby and Brittany are two distinctively different people in every other way. This can cause them some minor difficulties that the rest of us don't experience like what kind of clothes or shoes you like to wear or what movies you want to see at the theater.
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