Series Description The Yogi Bear Show was a 30 minute kids cartoon series from Hanna-Barbera Productions and Screen Gems that aired in syndication. It was about a conniving bear named Yogi who constantly sought ways to steal picnic baskets from the unsuspecting human visitors to Jellystone Park. Along with Yogi's little buddy Boo Boo bear, they typically found themselves in trouble with the park's Ranger Smith. Yogi Bear Characters
Daws Butler .... Yogi Bear / Snagglepuss / Fibber Fox / The Cat / Alfy Gator Yogi Bear Theme Song Written By: "Hoyt Curtin"
Yogi Bear is smarter than the average bear,
At a picnic table you will find him there,
He will sleep till noon, but before it's dark,
Yogi has it better than a millionaire, Yogi Bear Trivia
The Yogi Bear Show starred Yogi and Boo Boo but each episode also included segments centering on two other characters named Snagglepuss and Yakky Doodle. Snagglepuss was a mountain lion who just wanted to be left alone while being stalked by a hunter named Major Minor. Yakky Doodle was a cute little duck who spent most of his time being pursued by the evil Fibber Fox who wanted to make a meal out of Yakky. Luckily, Yakky had a bodyguard Bulldog named Chopper who always made Fibber Fox sorry that he ever thought of trying to eat Yakky!
Yogi Bear was seen by audiences for the first time in 1958 on the "Huckleberry Hound Show".
Yakky Doodle began as the character known as "Quacker" on the "Tom and Jerry Cartoon Show.
The voice of Yogi Bear was modeled after Art Carney's character named "Norton" on the classic 1950s sitcom, "The Honeymooners".
Yogi Bear's name was inspired by Yogi Berra, the famed catcher for the New York Yankees who hit 358 home runs during his career. Several seasons, Berra had more home runs than strikeouts! In 1950 he only struck out twelve times at 597 times at bat! Berra wasn't thrilled about his name being used for a not too bright cartoon bear and sued Hanna-Barbera for using the name without his permission but he lost the case because they never actually referred to Berra as being the source of the bear's name.
Yogi Bear was the first supporting character to get his own series. When Yogi left the Huckelberry Hound Show he was replaced by Hokey Wolf. Yogi's popularity went on to far surpass that of Huckelberry Hound.
Besides his movies and TV series, Yogi Bear has been featured in numerous comic books and even in his own comic strip.
Snagglepuss originated several popular catchphrases on his segment of the Yogi Bear Show. Whenever he needed to get out of a bad situation quickly he would say, "Exit, stage left" and then run away to the left. He would also sometimes say "stage right" and occasionally even "stage up or down". The kids of the day quickly adopted the phrase and would use it when leaving a conversation with friends or in any similar situation. Snagglepuss also would say, "Heavens to Murgatroid" whenever he found himself in an upsetting situation or when something nearly unbelievable happened and many fans also picked up that phrase. The catchphrase was actually first uttered by actor Bert Lahr in the 1944 movie, "Meet the People". You might not think you've ever heard of Bert but you almost certainly have seen one of his movies. He played the cowardly lion in the 1939 classic film, "The Wizard of Oz".
Episodes List With Original Air Dates NOTE: Each episode of the Yogi Bear show except for the finale was comprised of a Yogi Bear segment followed by a Snagglepuss segment and then by a Yakky Doodle segment. All three segment titles are listed below in that order.
Season 1
Yogi's Gang (Premiered 9/8/1973 for 16 episodes) TV Movies
Yogi's Ark Lark (9/16/1972) Theatrical Movies
Hey There, It's Yogi Bear (6/3/1964)
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