Series Description The Time Trax TV show was a 60 minute sci-fi series that aired in syndication about a time cop who chases chases criminals who have fled from his time in our future to our time. He was aided by a credit card that holds a holographic partner with a huge amount of information he can use to find them. Time Trax Cast
Dale Midkiff .... Darien Lambert Time Trax Opening Narrative Season 1:
Narrator: "It began in the future. A scientist turning to evil, a time machine called TRAX, beings who vanish and a lawman with a mission. He has one weapon and a computer named Selma."
SELMA: "Good Morning Captain Lambert."
Narrator: "With them he will travel to a time more innocent than his own. Now he is among us. A special breed of man, a hunter, traveling through our world searching for fugitives from his own, knowing he can not go home until he has found them all. His name is Darian Lambert and this is his story."
Season 2:
Narrator: "It began in the future. A time machine called TRAX, criminals who vanish, and a lawman who must pursue into the past. Now he is among us, a special breed of man. He has one weapon and a computer called Selma. With her, he will travel through our world, searching for fugitives from his own, knowing he cannot go home until he has found them all. His name is Darien Lambert and this is his story."
Episodes List With Original Air Dates
Season 1
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