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Series Description The Star Trek Deep Space Nine TV show was a 60 minute sci-fi series that aired in syndication. It was about a Federation space station in orbit around the planet Bajor in the Alpha Quadrant of our galaxy. The list of enemies threatening the Federation's peace was nearly endless. There was a wormhole nearby which led to the Gamma Quadrant on the other side of the galaxy. Bajor was formerly occupied by the Cardassians who were still around causing trouble even after their conflict had supposedly ended. Then there were the "Changelings", a race of "Shapeshifters" who could change into any being or object they desired. Add to that the "Vorta" and the "Jem'Hadar" and the Federation and Bajoran personnel on the remote Deep Space Nine station had a lot to be worried about! Deep Space Nine Cast
Avery Brooks .... Captain Benjamin Sisko Deep Space Nine Trivia Kira Nerys acted as a surrogate mother for the O'Briens' baby on Star Trek so that Nana Visitor would not have to stop appearing on the show during her real life pregnancy. The Bajorans religion teaches that the Wormhole is the Celestial Temple of their Prophets. They also believe that Captain Sisko, the commander of Deep Space Nine station, is an Emmissary from the Prophets. All Star Trek series through Voyager had a character in the pilot episodes from the previous series (except the original Star Trek series of course). The Next Generation had Dr. McCoy, Deep Space Nine had Captain Picard and Star Trek Voyager had Quark! The "Klingons" also fear being conquered by the Dominion on Star Trek Deep Space Nine and, therefore, become Federation allies in the war! Of course, there's still some level of conflict with them on occassion. Nana Visitor (Kira Nerys) and Alexander Siddig (Dr. Julian Bashir) were married (in real life) in 1997. The wormhole near Deep Space Nine station is the first "stable" one discovered by the Federation. All previous wormholes either disappeared after one or more appearances or they kept reappearing in different locations. Paramount Studios' ownership of Star Trek Productions has earned them nearly $2 Billion! Paramount got a real bargain when they bought those rights in 1967 from Desilu Studios along with the rights to several other TV show series for only $17 Million! The original conception for the Star Trek character, "Dax" was that she would be from an extremely low gravity world and, therefore, would be forced to get around the station in a wheelchair. Her quarters were to be so low in gravity that she would be able to "fly" in there! The producers decided that rigging the "flying" cables would have been to much of a hassle. During the Cardassian occupation, Bajor was a mining colony and was called "Terok Nor". Deep Space Nine won five Emmys and was nominated for an additional 27! DS9 related photos got the cover of TV guide 7 times!
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