Series Description The Soap TV show was a 30 minute comedy series on which ran for 85 episodes over four seasons from September 13, 1977 through April 20, 1981 on ABC. It made fun of soap operas using a never-ending list of impossible characters! What about a guy who has his dead dog stuffed but thinks he's still alive? How about a fellow with a ventriloquist dummy where you think the dummy is alive and controlling the ventriloquist? Or a smart-mouthed butler who tells off his employers? Well, you get the picture! It's Soap! Soap Cast
Katherine Helmond .... Jessica Tate Soap Trivia
The Soap TV show produced a "spin-off" series titled, "Benson".
The characters played by Katherine Helmond on "Soap", "Who's The Boss?", and "Everybody Loves Raymond" all lived in Connecticut!
It's often claimed that Billy Crystal played the first gay regular character in television history on Soap but that's not correct. The first one was on a 1972-1973 series titled, "The Corner Bar". Many local stations still refused to air Soap though five years later for its "immorality". Thankfully, the world has improved since then.
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