Series Description The Monty Python and the Flying Circus TV show was a 30 minute British comedy series that aired on BBC1 for its first three seasons and on BBC2 for its final season. It featured a compilation of unusual comedy skits that caused one's eyes to "tear up" from laughter. This was not comedy like you've ever seen before and your stomach may "turn" a little while you're "cracking up". We've all seen how funny a pie in someone else's face or someone slipping on a banana can be even though it's sad for the victim. Well, this show took that type of humor a step or two ... or three ... or four ... further. Monty Python Cast
Note: All Cast played in Various Roles on the TV show
John Cleese Monty Python Trivia
John Cleese has a law degree from Downing College, Cambridge University.
The writers for Monty Python originally wanted to call the show "It's". They thought it would be funny to start each program with a charachter who appears to be about to say the name but after just saying "It's" would have something terrible happen to them so they couldn't finish. "Circus" was used because people at the BBC generally referred to the Cast running all over the BBC offices as a "Circus". They added "Flying" to make it sound more like something from the first World War. Then, John Cleese suggested "Python" and "Monty" was Eric Idle's idea.
Actually, there were many other names considered for the show. Some of them include: "A Horse, a Bucket and a Spoon", "A Toad Elevating Moment", "Bun, Whackett, Buzzard, Stubble and Boot" and "Sex and Violence".
John Cleese first appeared on American television in 1964 on the "Ed Sullivan Show". He was one member of the Footlights Stage Show "Cambridge Circus".
After the "Holy Grail" movie, Eric Idle was asked what the next movie would be called. He jokingly answered, "Jesus Christ - Lust For Glory". After mentioning it to the other writers, they thought it might not be such a bad idea. No one had ever done anything like it before but after thinking it through (for quite some time) they decided that one just couldn't make jokes about Christ and make it work. This was the idea that led to the movie "Life of Brian" however.
Episodes List (Syndicated - No Airdates):
Season 1
And Now For Something Completely Different (12/1/1971)
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