Series Description Millionaire Matchmaker is a 60 minute reality series on Bravo about a woman and her assistants who finds love for millionaires and millionairesses. Her wealthy clients are typically alone for good reason. Som have concentrated fully on their careers or businesses while ignoring their personal lives. Others have some annoying personality trait like dressing nerdy, are too controlling, are condescending to potential mates or are so egotistical that they can't believe that anyone is good enough for them. Many of the men want women young enough to be their daughter or they choose a woman who looks like a fashion model but is obviously wrong for them in some other way. Patti Stanger sets them straight really fast! If you don't want to hear about your faults then you probably don't want to hire her. But if you're rich and can't find a mate, Patty will do her best to "fix" you so you can find someone to love. Each episode begins with Patti and her staff discussing that week's millionaires and the reasons why they are still single. Then they interview potential partners for them followed by a meeting between them and the millionaires. The millionaires then select two to sit down with for a more personal conversation after which they choose one to go out on a date with. Patti then checks with both parties as to how the date went and either congratulates the millionaire on a great job or chews them out for being a loser! Millionaire Matchmaker Cast
Patti Stanger (2008-) Millionaire Matchmaker Trivia
The name of Patti's company is simply, "The Millionaire's Club". She started the business in 2000. Patti said that she started the club because, "successful men in the dating arena needed a private, exclusive club where they could come to find their beautiful and intelligent wives."
Millionaire Matchmaker took place in Beverly Hills, California except for the fourth season when it moved to New York City. Ratings dropped during that season probably because the millionaires weren't as interesting (or perhaps you prefer "weird") as they tend to be in Beverly Hills.
Patti didn't provide services for millionairesses at first because she felt that they were fickle and difficult to match. She decided to give the wealthy ladies a shot though on the second episode of the second season when Heidi Cornell who made her fortune in the fashion industry appeared on the show. Cornell later admitted that she agreed to appear on the series mostly to get exposure for her company. Patti was so rough with her that Heidi called producers literally crying about how Patti must have hated her to treat her so badly. Of course, fans realize that Patti pulls no punches on any of her clients, male or female. She tells them what she sees as the awful truth and they had better be able to take it!
Patti also occasionally has gay millionaires on the show. As Patti often puts it, "I love the gays"!
Another thing that Patti has said in an interview that raises eyebrows with the politically correct crowd is, "I can't do much for women over 45, and if they're overweight, it's almost impossible." As stated earlier, she calls 'em as she sees 'em!
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