Series Description The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cartoon show is a 30 minute kids cartoon series on the Disney Channel featuring Mickey Mouse and his friends. In each episode the characters present a problem for the young kids in the audience to solve like telling the difference between a square, circle and a triangle or how to count to ten. Social skills like getting along with other children and behaving properly are also emphasized.
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Characters
Mickey Mouse .... Wayne Allwine (2006-2009) / Anders Bircow (2009-) Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Trivia
The characters on the series were first seen in their "3D" form at the Mickey's Philharmagic attraction at Disney World in Orlando, Florida that opened in Fantasyland on October 3, 2003 and then in the 2004 video, "Twice Upon a Christmas". The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse was the first time that they were seen on television in "3D".
In addition to the characters listed above, numerous other recurring characters appear from time to time on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Among them are Butch the Bulldog, Clara Cluck, Clarabelle Cow, Dinah the Dachshund, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, Mortimer Mouse, and Scrooge McDuck.
The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse received a daytime Emmy nomination in 2008 for "Outstanding Directing in an Animated Program" but the PBS series, "Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks" won the award.
After Mickey introduces the problem to be solved he takes the audience to a huge computer that's shaped like Mickey's head called the "Mousekadoer". It displays all of the tools that will be necessary to solve the problem on its screen and then downloads them to a flying object that is also shaped like Mickey's head called "Toodles". Toodles then picks the first tool and the problem-solving begins.
Sadly, Wayne Allwine who had been providing Mickey Mouse's voice since 1983 passed away in May of 2009. Anders Bircow took over the job after a four month long hold on production of the show.
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Live on Stage Videos:
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