Series Description The How I Met Your Mother TV show is a 30 minute comedy series on CBS about a man in the year 2030 who begins telling his kids about how he met his wife via flashbacks from the future. Then the storylines continue showing the actual situations he is telling them about. Most of the stories revolve around embarrasing situations that the dad or his friends get themselves into during their days as young adults. How I Met Your Mother Cast
Josh Radnor .... Ted Mosby How I Met Your Mother Trivia
The idea for How I Met Your Mother came from a brainstorming session between series creators "Carter Bays" and "Craig Thomas" where they decided to write about the stupid things they did in younger days with their friends in New York. The created Ted as a character loosely based on Carter Bays. Marshall and Lily were loosely based on Craig Thomas and his wife Rebecca. At first, Rebecca was not crazy about the idea. She said she would only be ok with it if Alayson Hannigan played "her" part.
Alyson Hannigan played the role of "Willow" on the series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". On one episode of Buffy, Willow said that she penned some fan fiction of the series "Doogie Howser, M.D." that starred her How I Met Your Mother co-star, Neil Patrick Harris. Willow also was accepted to Wesleyan University on one episode of Buffy. The creator of Buffy, Joss Whedon graduated from Wesleyan so it's no big surprise that he would refer to his alma mater on his series but ironically, the creators of How I Met Your Mother, "Carter Bays" and "Craig Thomas" also both graduated from Wesleyan!
The bar where the gang hangs out was named "MacLaren's" after Carter Bay's assistant, "Carl MacLaren". The bartender is also named "Carl". The bar was inspired by a New York bar called, "McGee's" that has a mural that the guys admired and wanted to use it on the show.
How I Met Your Mother is not filmed in front of a studio audience. While most sitcoms are shot in one day, How I Met Your Mother takes three days to shoot due to there being as many as fifty individual scenes and flashback transitions that must be inserted. Therefore, the show uses a laugh track but rather than use a stock track, they record the laughter of an audience watching the episode after it has been fully edited for broadcast. In that way, the laughter genuinely reflects the response of an audience watching the episode and not that of a sound editor's idea of where the laughs belong.
Barney's occupation has never been revealed (as of 2010) on the show. Every time anyone asks him where he works he just says, "Please"!
There's no need to worry about whether you'll be able to see reruns of How I Met Your Mother. In September of 2008 the Lifetime Television Network announced that they had signed a contract agreeing to pay approximately $725,000 per episode for the rerun rights over a four year period. It had a stipulation, however, that no less than 110 episodes had to be produced by the end of 2010. At that time only 64 episodes had aired and another 24 produced for a total of 88 episodes. By the deadline, however, the required number of episodes were in the can.
The character name, "Barney Stinson" was taken from a heroin peddler in the book "L.A. Confidential" by "James Ellroy".
Carter Bay's mother is an ordained minister. He has said that she's never complained about the often "racey" nature of the show but she does occasionally let him know when she feels that a joke wasn't funny.
In episode #44, "Something Blue" Robin thought that Ted was going to propose marriage to her when she was served a glass of champagne with an engagement ring in the bottom. It turned out that the glass was supposed to be given to a different woman at the next table. When that woman got the glass, her boyfriend proposed to her. The crazy thing about that scene is that the man proposing was not an actor and neither was his girlfriend. He had told her that they won roles on the show as extras in a contest he had entered. So when he proposed, it was a real proposal, captured for posterity on film!
Episodes List With Original Air Dates
Season 1
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