Series Description Game of Thrones is a 60 minute fantasy/adventure/drama series on HBO about the medieval mythical land of Westeros where seven powerful families fight a civil war to see who will unite their seven kingdoms under one ruler. Like many pay cable shows, this series is rampant with sexual situations and violence. Game of Thrones Cast
Peter Dinklage .... Tyrion Lannister (2011-) Game of Thrones Trivia:
This series is based on a series of novels by "George R.R. Martin" titled, "A Song of Ice and Fire". The first book in that series is titled, "A Game of Thrones".
In the mythical land of Westeros, the seasons don't behave anything like they do in real life. They can last for a very short time or they can go on for years. The residents of Westeros perpetually fear the possibility of "The Long Winter" that could starve them due to ten or more years where no food can grow.
George R.R. Martin has said that he will end the Game of Thrones story by showing a magnificent cloud of either snow or dust that is being blown over a huge graveyard loaded with tombstones.
There are many prostitutes in the books that are unnamed. For the series, "Ros" was created in order to represent those characters however there was no character named "Ros" in the books.
The first season of Game of Thrones sticks very closely to the storyline in the first novel but in the second season, the TV series wanders away quite a bit from the storyline in the second novel.
Tyrion Lannister uses a method of finding spies that is used often in real life by the intelligence agencies of many nations. He gives each person that he suspects is spying for his sister a different bit of information. Then when his sister reveals that she knows one of those bits of information, Tyrion knows who is spying for her.
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