Series Description The Forever Knight TV show was a 60 minute Canadian crime horror series that aired in the U.S. on CBS for its first season, aired in syndication for the 2nd season, and was both on the USA Network and in syndication for the third season. It was about an 800-year-old vampire who worked as a homicide detective while endeavoring to keep the fact that he was a vampire from his co-workers. By doing so, he hoped to make up for his past evil deeds and, thereby, become mortal again. His 2000-year-old master, Lucien Lacroix made his task a difficult one whenever possible. Forever Knight Cast
Geraint Wyn Davies .... Detective Nicholas "Nick" Knight / Nicholas de Brabant Forever Knight Opening Narrative "He was brought across in 1228, preyed on humans for their blood. Now he wants to be mortal again. Repay society for his emerge from his world of darkness, from his endless, forever night."
Copyright © 1997-Present