Series Description Dragon Tales was a 30 minute kids TV show on PBS about six-year-old Emmy and her four-year-old brother Max who find the scale of a dragon that gives them the ability to travel to "Dragon Land", a mystical place with dragons, giants, gnomes, rainbow rivers and talking trees! In Dragon Land they make friends with young dragons who talk, walk on two legs and act pretty much just like human kids. Dragon Tales Characters
Andrea Libman .... Emmy Dragon Tales Trivia:
The Dragon Tales characters were originally created by Ron Rodecker in 1978. A producer at Columbia TriStar Television named Jim Coane found the drawings in 1997 and along with several other writers developed it into a TV series. They took the idea to Sesame Workshop's Marjorie Kalins who helped TriStar and Coane get a grant from the Department of Education and the Corporation for Public Broadcast. Coane then produced the series for PBS for its first season along with co-excecutive Producer Jeff Kline. Coane then went on to produce the game show, "Card Sharks".
In order to get the Dragon Scale to transport them to and from Dragon Land, Emmy and Max had to recite rhymes. To get to Dragon Land they said, "I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons, in a land apart." To return home from Dragon Land they said, "I wish, I wish, to use this rhyme, to go back home, until next time."
Each episode of Dragon Tales was comprised of three parts. The first and last parts were stories that typically dealt with issues that young children face like meeting new people or visiting the dentist. In between those two segments was a musical segment where the kids in the audience enjoyed listening to Emmy, Max and their dragon friends sing a song and perhaps even join along!
Zak and Wheezie were actually each one half of a two-headed dragon.
Just like on another children's program, "Dora the Explorer", Spanish words and phrases were often highlighted in order to expose kids to the fun involved in learning a second language.
If your child watched Dragon Tales and you noticed that they often responded to questions by saying "Definitely", they probably got that from Emmy. Whenever someone came up with a good idea that is how she would respond.
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