Series Description The Dennis Miller Live TV show was a 30 minute talk show series on HBO. Each episode began with a monologue by Dennis Miller. Then he would talk about something that supposedly really annoyed him. He would begin his speech in a calm manner and then get more and more upset until he became a crazy man! Then, all of a sudden, he would return to total calm and say "that's just my opinion, I could be wrong". After that Dennis would talk with his guest for a bit and then end the show with a newscast that looked a lot like the one he did on "Saturday Night Live". Dennis Miller Live Cast Dennis Miller .... Host Dennis Miller Live Trivia:
During the segment where Dennis Miller chatted with his guest, they would take live phone calls from fans. The number to call was given out in the beginning as "1-800-LACTOSE". Miller stated that the number was chosen because it was the only vanity number they could get. The joke got old eventually and in the 1997 season they just gave out the number as "1-800-522-8673".
For the first six episodes all of the guests appeared via live satellite feed. On episode seven Robin Williams ("Mork and Mindy") appeared in person and after that most other guests did too but occasionally one would still show up on satellite.
On August 1, 1997, Dennis had two guests for the first time. Bob Odenkirk & David Cross, hosts of "Mr. Show" appeared but apparently no one had thought about the fact that the only place to sit on the set was Dennis' chair and a recliner. They "solved" the problem by having Bob and David squeeze together into the recliner! After that there was a couch on hand for weeks with multiple guests.
Dennis Miller Lives' theme song was "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by "Tears For Fears" up until the final season when Miller announced that budget cuts forced him to quit paying royalties for the theme song. They came up with a short rock tune that Miller called a "gay porn anthem".
The 100th episode of Dennis Miller Live was celebrated by extending it to 45 minutes and showing highlight clips from previous episodes.
Every single episode ended the same exact way that Miller had ended his "Weekend Update" segment on "Saturday Night Live". He said, "Guess what folks? That's the news and I am out of here".
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