Series Description
The Days of Our Lives Soap Opera is a daytime drama series on NBC that began as a show about a family composed of doctors. The series covers the usual soap opera highs and lows between married couples, friends, business associates and co-workers. In addition, the medical situations on the series covered both physical and mental illness issues. In the 1990s the Days of Our Lives added a supernatural aspect to the show.
The Days of Our Lives Cast
Deidre Hall .... Dr. Marlena Evans (1976-2009)
Lauren Koslow .... Kate Roberts (1996-2010)
Bryan Dattilo .... Lucas Roberts (1993-2010)
Alison Sweeney .... Sami Brady (1993-2010)
Josh Taylor .... Roman Brady (1981-2010)
Renee Jones .... Lexie Carver (1993-2010)
Peter Reckell .... Bo Brady (1983-2010)
Kristian Alfonso .... Hope Brady (1983-2010)
Jason Cook .... Shawn Douglas Brady (1999-2006)
John Aniston .... Victor Kiriakis (1987-2010)
Thaao Penghlis .... Tony DiMera (1981-2009)
Kyle Lowder .... Brady Black (2000-2006)
Arianne Zucker .... Nicole Walker (1998-2010)
Eric Winter .... Rex DiMera (2002-2006)
James Scott .... E.J. DiMera (2006-2010)
Farah Fath .... Mimi Lockhart (1999-2007)
Drake Hogestyn .... John Black (1986-2009)
Jay Kenneth Johnson .... Philip Kiriakis (1999-2010)
Matthew Ashford .... Jack Deveraux (1989-2007)
Kyle Brandt .... Philip Kiriakis (2003-2006)
Nadia Bjorlin .... Chloe Lane (1999-2010)
Matt Cedeno .... Brandon Walker (1999-2006)
Brody Hutzler .... Patrick Lockhart (2003-2007)
Steve Blackwood .... Bart Biederbicke (1997-2007)
Darin Brooks .... Max Brady (2005-2010)
Christopher Gerse .... Will Roberts (2003-2008)
Kirsten Storms .... Belle Black (1999-2004)
Bill Hayes .... Doug Williams (1981-2010)
James Reynolds .... Abe Carver (1981-2010)
Joseph Mascolo .... Stefano DiMera (1982-2010)
Shelley Hennig .... Stephanie Johnson (2007-2010)
Rachel Melvin .... Chelsea Brady (2005-2009)
Shawn Christian .... Dr. Daniel Jonas (2008-2010)
Suzanne Rogers .... Maggie Horton (1973-2010)
Molly Burnett .... Melanie Layton (2008-2010)
Martha Madison .... Belle Black (2004-2008)
Justin Melvey .... Dr. Colin Murphy (2001-2005)
Melissa Reeves .... Jennifer Horton (1990-2010)
Galen Gering .... Rafe Hernandez (2008-2010)
Stephen Nichols .... Steve Johnson (1985-2009)
Eric Martsolf .... Brady Black (2008-2010)
Mary Beth Evans .... Kayla Johnson (1986-2010)
Alexis Thorpe .... Cassie DiMera (2002-2005)
Rhasaan Orange .... Thomas Edward 'Tek' Kramer (2003-2007)
Peggy McCay .... Caroline Brady (1983-2010)
Catherine MacNeal .... Pat Hamilton (1993-2002)
Blake Berris .... Nick Fallon (2006-2009)
Austin Peck .... Austin Reed (1996-2007)
Mandy Musgrave .... Chelsea Benson (2004-2005)
Brandon Beemer .... Shawn Brady (2006-2008)
Hailey Sinnema .... Sydney DiMera (2009-2010)
Lauren Sinnema .... Sydney DiMera (2009-2010)
Billy Warlock .... Frankie Brady (1988-2006)
Crystal Chappell .... Carly Manning (1990-2010)
Tanya Boyd .... Celeste Perrault (1994-2007)
Steve Tyler .... Gino (1996-2004)
Lindsay Hartley .... Arianna Hernandez (2009-2010)
Julie Pinson .... Billie Reed (2004-2008)
Taylor Spreitler .... Mia McCormick (2009-2010)
Wayne Northrop .... Dr. North (1982-2006)
Mark Hapka .... Nathan Horton (2007-2010)
Susan Seaforth Hayes .... Julie Williams (1968-2010)
Frances Reid .... Alice Horton (1965-2009)
Judi Evans .... Bonnie Lockhart (1990-2010)
Leann Hunley .... Anna DiMera (1982-2010)
William Utay .... Dr. Rolf (1985-2008)
Kevin Spirtas .... Craig Wesley (1999-2009)
Louise Sorel .... Vivian Alamain (1992-2010)
Dylan Patton .... Will Horton (2009-2010)
Victor Alfieri .... Franco Kelly (1995-2000)
The Days of Our Lives Trivia:
Critics were originally very kind to the Days of Our Lives for accurately depicting real life situations of typical American families. They also complimented the series for pioneering the depiction of controversial modern day subjects such as mixed race couples and high tech methods of pregnancy including artificial insemination. Critics often referred to the series as the most daring drama of the 1970s!
When the show branched out into supernatural storylines, however, the critics were not kind. Most felt that the Days of Our Lives went from one of the most socially responsible shows on daytime TV to the bottom of the barrel due to this change in format. Viewers apparently didn't agree however as Days of Our Lives soon climbed in the ratings.
There was a pilot episode that was produced to sell the series which never aired. Actress Mary Jackson who is best known for her role as Emily Baldwin on "The Waltons" played the role of Alice Horton in that pilot but was replaced by Frances Reid when the Days of Our Lives premiered.
The episodes were preserved on kinescopes and later videotape from the very beginning and that gives the series the distinction of having more recorded episodes than any other series in the world.
The Days of Our Lives' episodes were 30 minutes in length from 1965-1975 and then expanded to one hour.
When Frances Reid passed away in February of 2010, Susan Seaforth Hayes became the only remaining cast member who has appearing on the series since its premiere. She is also the only cast member to appear during all six decades that the Days of Our Lives has been on the air!
The opening titles at the beginning of each episode have been narrated by MacDonald Carey for the entire run of the series.
In July of 2001, NBC became the first network to broadcast daytime shows with closed captioning in Spanish. In addition to Days of Lives, "Passions" also provided this service at that time.
As of the year 2010, the State that the series is set in has never been revealed!
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