Series Description The Buffy the Vampire TV show was a 60 minute fantasy/horror series that aired on the WB Network for its first six seasons and on UPN for its final season. Both the WB and UPN would later become the CW Network. It was about a high school girl who along with her mom moved to Sunnydale, California after her encounter with Vampires in Los Angeles (In the Movie). Then when the principal at her new school (on this series) saw in Buffy's records and discovers that she burnt down the gym at her old school, well, let's just say that it wasn't a good start. The school Librarian knew that Buffy was the "chosen one" and it was her duty to kill vampires. Buffy tried to ignore her duty but the vampires simply wouldn't go away so she had no choice. Buffy The Vampire Slayer Cast
Sarah-Michelle Gellar .... Buffy
David Boreanaz .... Angel
Nicholas Brendan .... Xander
Charisma Carpenter .... Cordelia
Alyson Hannigan .... Willow
Anthony Stewart Head .... Giles / Narrator
Marc Blucas .... Riley Finn
Eliza Dushku .... Faith / Buffy Summers (Recurring Seasons 3-7)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Trivia:
In 1982, at the age of 5 years old, Sarah Michelle Gellar did a Burger King commercial where she said that she only ate at Burger King. She ended out being sued by both McDonalds and Burger King for being seen in a McDonalds. Of course, that didn't keep McDonalds from becoming a sponsor of Buffy the Vampire Slayer 15 years later!
Nicholas Brendan and Charisma Carpenter were not teenagers when they appeared on the show. They were actually in their upper twenties.
Sarah Michelle Gellar did a lot of her own stunts on the series (although not the most dangerous ones). She was able to do those stunts due to her involvement with Tae Kwon-Do, boxing, kick boxing, and gymnastics.
Buffy's old high school in Los Angeles was "Hemary High School".
It took eight days to film one episode of Buffy.
In response to a question about how she stayed so thin, Sarah Michelle Gellar once said, "How can women be as thin as we are? We have personal trainers to work us out. We have specially prepared meals."
Sophia Crawford (Sarah's stunt double) used to play the Pink Ranger on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Sarah Michelle Gellar was initially auditioned for the role of Cordelia but the producers decided that they wanted her in the title role instead.
Sarah Michelle Gellar received $500,000 for her role in "Cruel Intentions" (1999)
Buffy Opening Narrative "In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer."
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