Series Description Breaking Bad is a 60 minute crime drama series on AMC about a genius high school chemistry teacher who found that he was dying of cancer. In a desperate move to leave his family adequate money to secure their futures, he decided to use his skills to develop the purest crystal meth available anywhere. Breaking Bad Cast
Bryan Cranston .... Walter White (2008-) Breaking Bad Trivia:
The series' title is comprised using the symbols for the chemicals Bromine (BR - Breaking) and Barium (BA - Bad).
In the opening credits you will also notice that chemical symbols are also capitalized and highlighted when they appear in an actor's name.
Executive Producer, Vince Gilligan said that it was first planned that Jessie would die sometime during the first season on Vince's audio commentary included on the season one DVDs.
Bryan Cranston (Walter White) explained in an interview that "Breaking Bad" is a southern term that indicates someone switching to the wrong path in life after living a good life up to that point.
RJ Mitte plays the character Walter White, Jr. who has cerebral palsy on Breaking Bad. RJ actually does have cerebral palsy in real life but not nearly so bad as Walter White. He had to practice for the part by learning how to walk on crutches and he also had to drag out his speech more slowly than he speaks in real life.
Obviously, the characters seen smoking crystal meth on the show aren't really smoking the drug. They don't inhale and what they smoke is either sugar or rock candy.
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