Series Description
America's Toughest Jobs was a 60 minute competitive reality series on NBC that required thirteen contestants to work in nine of the toughest jobs known to man. Each week the contestant who performed the worst was eliminated from the competition. The winner was the last contestant standing and received the total of the salaries that a rookie worker would receive in a year for all nine jobs combined as their prize. Each of the final four contestants also received a 2009 Dodge Ram pickup!
America's Toughest Jobs creator, Thom Beers also created other reality shows including "Deadliest Catch" and "Monster Garage".
You may have recognized the series' host, Josh Temle, from his guest starring roles on "Will and Grace" or "Curb Your Enthusiasm". Josh also stars on the DIY network series, "House Crashers".
America's Toughest Jobs Cast
Josh Temple .... Host
Ben Coleman .... Winner America's Toughest Jobs Trivia: The salaries on America's Toughest Jobs for a first year worker in each job was Crab Fisherman ($29,805.98), Ice Road Trucker ($31,714.72), Gold Digger ($15,464.62), Monster Trucker ($45,614.58), Oil Driller ($35,184.22), Bullfighter ($41,785.81), Bridge Crewman ($47,592.15), Logger ($35,248.00) and Mountain Guide ($15,589.92). The combined total of those salaries resulted in a whopping $298,000 prize for the winner, Ben Coleman.
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