Series Description The 'Allo! 'Allo! TV show was a 30 minute British comedy series on BBC1 about the owner of a cafe named Rene in German occupied France during World War II. As the cowardly leader of the local resistance he endeavored to keep a low profile but his bumbling attempts at espionage often made that quite difficult. Luckily, the Germans had their share of idiots too allowing Rene and his brothers and sisters in the resistance to somehow always escape capture by the skin of their teeth! 'Allo! 'Allo! Cast
Gorden Kaye .... Rene Artois 'Allo! 'Allo! Trivia:
While Allo! Allo! was a spoof of World War II in general, it specifically set out to spoof the 1977 British series, "Secret Army". Allo Allo Cast Richard Marner, Hilary Minster and Guy Siner all also had roles on Secret Army.
Officer Crabtree spoke horrible French on the show but in reality, Arthur Bostrom who played that role speaks fluent French.
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