Series Description The Rookie is a police drama series that premiered on ABC on October 16, 2018. When 45-year-old and recently divorced John Nolan is present during a bank robbery it inspires him to pursue his lifelong dream of joining the Los Angeles Police Department. He's accepted into the force but not taken seriously at first by his superiors or fellow officers as they mostly believe he's simply having a midlife crisis. But in John's case, wisdom and maturity among other benefits that come with age can make up for his shortcomings. The Rookie Cast
Nathan Fillion as John Nolan
Alyssa Diaz as Angela Lopez
Richard T. Jones as Sergeant Wade Grey
Melissa O'Neil as Lucy Chen
Eric Winter as Tim Bradford
Mekia Cox as Nyla Harper
Shawn Ashmore as Wesley Evers
Titus Makin Jr. as Jackson West
The Rookie Trivia:
The man who inspired this series is Bill Norcross who serves as executive producer of The Rookie and is still serving as an officer on the force!
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