Series Description The Morning Show is a drama series that premiered on Apple TV on November 1, 2019. It's about a morning talk and news program whose formerly adored male co-anchor is accused of sexual harassment and is fired. His female partner on the show is enraged with him for putting the show in danger and becomes even more irate when he tells her that the network had been planning to replace HER! In her fit of rage she announces on the air without network approval that her new partner will be a nearly unknown reporter. And the drama goes on from there with no end! The Morning Show Cast
Jennifer Aniston as Alexandra "Alex" Levy
Reese Witherspoon as Bradley Jackson
Billy Crudup as Cory Ellison
Mark Duplass as Charlie "Chip" Black
Steve Carell as Mitch Kessler
Néstor Carbonell as Yanko Flores
Karen Pittman as Mia Jordan
Bel Powley as Claire Conway
Julianna Margulies as Laura Peterson
Desean Terry as Daniel Henderson
Jack Davenport as Jason Craig
Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Hannah Shoenfeld (Season 1)
Greta Lee as Stella Bak (Season 2)
Ruairi O'Connor as Ty Fitzgerald (Season 2)
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