Series Description The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is a historical comedy drama series that premiered on Amazon Prime Video on March 17, 2017. It's about a woman named Midge Maisel whose husband leaves her for his secretary with whom he's had a long time affair. Midge finds that she has a talent for stand-up comedy at The Gaslight Cafe. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Cast
Rachel Brosnahan as Miriam "Midge" Maisel
Michael Zegen as Joel Maisel
Tony Shalhoub as Abe Weissman
Marin Hinkle as Rose Weissman
Alex Borstein as Susie Meyerson
Kevin Pollak as Moishe Maisel
Nunzio Pascale as Ethan Maisel
Matteo Pascale as Ethan Maisel
Matilda Szydagis as Zelda
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