Series Description The Man in the High Castle is a alternate history series that premiered on Amazon Prime Video on January 15, 2015. It's about a world where Nazi Germany and Japan won World War II. It takes place 20 years after the war ended and highlights what life may have been like if the allies lost and were forced to service their Axis masters. A few, however, are determined to revolt and regain their independence! The Man in the High Castle Cast
Alexa Davalos as Juliana Crain
Luke Kleintank as Joe Blake
Rufus Sewell as Obergruppenführer John Smith
Rupert Evans as Frank Frink
D.J. Qualls as Ed McCarthy
Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa as Nobusuke Tagomi
Carsten Norgaard as Rudolph Wegener
Joel de la Fuente as Inspector Kido
Brennan Brown as Robert Childan
Chelah Horsdal as Helen Smith
Arnold Chun as Kotomichi
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