Series Description The Handmaid's Tale is a sci-fi drama series that premiered on Hulu on April 26, 2017. It's about a terrible future where religious fanatical members of the Gilead takes over the United States after a civil war. Due to pollution and sexually transmitted diseases many women have lost the ability to bear children. Those who can still conceive are forced into sexual relations with leaders of the Gilead called "Commanders". Most other women are treated as slaves with no rights to anything without their masters permission. The Handmaid's Tale Cast
Elisabeth Moss as June Osborne
Joseph Fiennes as Fred Waterford
Yvonne Strahovski as Serena Joy Waterford
Ann Dowd as Aunt Lydia
Alexis Bledel as Emily
Madeline Brewer as Janine
Amanda Brugel as Rita
Max Minghella as Nick Blaine
O.T. Fagbenle as Luke Bankole
Samira Wiley as Moira
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