Series Description The Conners is a comedy series that premiered on ABC on October 16, 2018. It's about a family who struggles to get by financially in the fictional town of Lanford, Illinois. This series is a continuation (spinoff?) of the series, "Roseanne". The Conners Cast
John Goodman as Dan Conner
Laurie Metcalf as Jackie Harris
Sara Gilbert as Darlene Conner
Alicia Goranson as Becky Conner-Healy
Michael Fishman as D.J. Conner
Emma Kenney as Harris Conner-Healy
Jayden Rey as Mary Conner
Ames McNamara as Mark Conner-Healy
Jay R. Ferguson as Ben
Katey Sagal as Louise
The Conners Trivia: The series, "Roseanne" returned to TV for a 10th season in 2018 after a 21 year hiatus! Roseanne Barr was fired from the cast after she posted a racist tweet that compared former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett to a monkey. ABC immediately cancelled fired Roseanne and cancelled the series but then brought back the rest of the cast 5 months later as "The Conners"! Roseanne Barr said later that she regretted tweeting her remarks. The Conners explained the missing mom by saying that she died of a heart attack following knee surgery but then the Coroner’s Office autopsy revealed that Roseanne overdosed on opioids due to pain from her surgery.
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