Series Description Squid Game is an action adventure series that premiered on Netflix on September 17, 2021. It features 456 contestants who are all in terrible financial condition who are locked into a secret location and play a bunch of children's games in order to win a grand prize of 45.6 billion Won ($38,304,000). It has a great potential reward but the downside is that if you lose you also lose your life! If you don't wish to watch the show in Korean with english subtitles, you can watch it with dubbed in English by hovering over the screen, selecting the quote button at the bottom left of the screen. Then, under "Audio" choose English. Squid Game Cast (Voices)
Greg Chun as Seong Gi-hun
Stephen Fu as Cho Sang-woo
Paul Nakauchi as Jang Deok-su
Stephanie Komure as Han Mi-nyeo
Hideo Kimura as Oh Il-nam
Tom Choi as Hwang In-ho
Donald Chang as Hwang Jun-ho
Yuuki Luna as Ji-yeong
Rama Vallury as Abdul Ali
Vivian Lu as Kang Sae-byeok
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