Series Description Lost in Space is a sci-fi drama series that premiered on Netflix on April 13, 2018 and aired for 28 episodes over 3 seasons. It's a remake of the 1965 series also titled "Lost in Space". Two years after an asteroid struck the Earth leaving it marginally habitable the Robinson family sets off with other colonists to settle in the Alpha Centauri planetary system. When aliens attack their ship the Robinsons flee in the much smaller Jupiter ship but they fall into a wormhole that transports them far off course to a planet in the middle of an ice age. And the adventures, one after another, mount from there! Lost in Space Cast
Toby Stephens as John Robinson
Molly Parker as Maureen Robinson
Ignacio Serricchio as Don West
Taylor Russell as Judy Robinson
Maxwell Jenkins as Will Robinson
Mina Sundwall as Penny Robinson
Parker Posey as Dr. Smith
Raza Jaffrey as Victor
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