Series Description Locke and Key is a fantasy horror series that premiered on Netflix on February 7, 2020. It's about Nina Locke who moves in with her three kids after her husband is murdered. The kids discover that there are mysterious keys hidden all over the house that unlock doors to other realities! They discover, however, that an evil demon is also looking for the keys! Locke and Key Cast
Darby Stanchfield as Nina Locke
Connor Jessup as Tyler Locke
Emilia Jones as Kinsey Locke
Petrice Jones as Scot Cavendish
Jackson Robert Scott as Bode Locke
Laysla De Oliveira as Dodge / Echo
Bill Heck as Rendell Locke
Aaron Ashmore as Duncan Locke
Thomas Mitchell Barnet as Sam Lesser
Sherri Saum as Ellie Whedon
Kevin Alves as Javi
Steven Williams as Joe Ridgeway
Griffin Gluck as Gabe
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