Series Description Home Economics is a comedy series that premiered on ABC on April 7, 2021. It's about three adult siblings who couldn't be more different from one another, at least economically! Sarah is the one with the smallest income, struggling to survive with her wife and two kids. Tom is an aspiring writing who isn't selling books. Tom's doing slightly better financially but he's not quite making it and is forced to steep to asking his younger brother Connor for money. But Connor also has his problems! He's recently divorced and living alone. Despite their different incomes and the friction that often causes, they're a family and their love for each other overcomes all! Home Economics Cast
Topher Grace as Tom
Caitlin McGee as Sarah
Jimmy Tatro as Connor
Karla Souza as Marina
Sasheer Zamata as Denise
Shiloh Bearman as Gretchen
Jordyn Curet as Shamiah
JeCobi Swain as Kelvin
Chloe Jo Rountree as Camila
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