Series Description Big Sky is a crime drama series that premiered on ABC on September 30, 2021. It's about an area in remote Montana where several girls have mysteriously disappeared. Private detectives Cody Hoyt and Cassie Dewell and Cody's wife who is a former police officer work together to find the perpetrator! Big Sky Cast
Katheryn Winnick as Jenny Hoyt
Kylie Bunbury as Cassie Dewell
Brian Geraghty as Ronald Pergman
Valerie Mahaffey as Helen Pergman
Dedee Pfeiffer as Denise Brisbane
Natalie Alyn Lind as Danielle Sullivan
Jesse James Keitel as Jerrie Kennedy
Lynch as Wolfgang "Wolf" Legarski
Jade Pettyjohn as Grace Sullivan
John Carroll Lynch as Rick Legarski
Ryan Phillippe as Cody Hoyt
Ted Levine as Horst Kleinsasser
Logan Marshall-Green as Travis Stone
Anja Savcic as Scarlet Leyendecker
Janina Gavankar as Ren Bhullar
Omar Metwally as Mark Lindor
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