Series Description B Positive is a comedy series that premiered on CBS on November 5, 2020. It's about a guy named Drew Dunbar who is facing serious life challenges as he's recently divorced and is in urgent need of a kidney transplant. When Drew bumps into Gina who is a former schoolmate at a wedding she offers him one of her kidneys while being significantly intoxicated. Drew tracks her down the next day and while Gina doesn't remember making the offer, she readily agrees to the donation! Most of the comical moments come while Drew is chatting with fellow kidney patients getting transfusions and when Gina is interacting with the residents of the retirement home where she works. B Positive Cast
Thomas Middleditch as Drew Dunbar
Annaleigh Ashford as Gina
Kether Donohue as Gabby
Sara Rue as Julia
Izzy G as Maddie
Terrence Terrell as Eli
Linda Lavin as Norma (Season 2)
David Anthony Higgins as Jerry (Season 2)
Darryl Stephens as Gideon (Season 2)
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