Series Description 666 Park Avenue is a 60 minute fantasy/horror series that premiered on ABC on September 30, 2012. It's about a young couple who find that they are somehow able to afford a luxury apartment in Manhattan that should be far beyond their means. Their neighbors all seem to be highly successful people with all the money, love, sex and power that any human could desire. It almost seems like they have made a deal with the devil or something and when you make a deal with the devil, of course, there's a price to pay!
666 Park Avenue Cast
Terry O'Quinn .... Gavin Doran 666 Park Avenue Trivia: There were four episodes of 666 Park Avenue that were produced but not broadcast due to early cancellation of the series. There titles were "The Comfort of Death", "Sins of the Fathers", "The Elysian Fields" and "Lazarus".
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