19 Kids and Counting

19 Kids and Counting Cast

Series Description

19 Kids and Counting is a 60 minute reality series on TLC about the challenges that the Duggar family faces in a household overflowing with children of all ages. The series highlights the way that the Duggars work together to make things work and also the inevitable conflicts between family members.

19 Kids and Counting Cast

Michelle Duggar (2008-)
Jim Bob Duggar (2008-)
Jackson Duggar (2008-)
Jessa Duggar (2008-)
Jennifer Duggar (2008-)
Johannah Duggar (2008-)
Jinger Duggar (2008-)
Josiah Duggar (2008-)
James Duggar (2008-)
Jana Duggar (2008-)
Jill Duggar (2008-)
Jason Duggar (2008-)
Jeremiah Duggar (2008-)
Jedidiah Duggar (2008-)
Joy-Anna Duggar (2008-)
Justin Duggar (2008-)
Joseph Duggar (2008-)
John-David Duggar (2008-)
Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar (2008-)
Joshua Duggar (2008-)
Anna Keller/Duggar (Joshua's Wife)
Josie Duggar (2010-)
Mackynzie Renee Duggar (2009-)
Michael James Duggar (2011-)

19 Kids and Counting Trivia:

The Duggar family can't just hop in a normal vehicle and go anywhere so they bought a bus for $75,000 from a hockey team! They also own a van for trips where only a portion of the family needs to go somewhere.

Kids tend to get colds and other illnesses so the Duggars like all families have to stock aspirin and cough medicine in their medicine cabinets. Unlike most families, the Duggars use about 1,000 aspirins and three gallons of cough syrup each year!

The Duggar kids love their cereal in the mornings! They consume sixteen boxes of cereal and seven gallons of milk each week!

The Duggars dining room table is eighteen feet long, they have four washers and dryer to clean their forty loads of weekly laundry and over the past twenty years they've had many trips to the emergency room resulting in approximately three hundred stitches!

In 2010, twelve of the Duggar kids all came down with chicken pox at the same time!

When the entire Duggar family flies from Arkansas to New York City, the cost of the flight is nearly ten thousand dollars!

Four of the Duggar children are the result of Michelle and Jim Bob having two sets of twins. Neither set are identical twins.

Jim Bob and Michelle did have the first four years of their marriage to simply enjoy each other's company. The practiced birth control until their oldest child Josh was conceived.

Michelle gets help raising the younger kids by assigning an older child to each one as an "honorary" mom or dad who assists in getting the kids dressed and other tasks.

Jim Bob is currently a real estate agent and investor but he also served in the Arkansas legislature from 1999 to 2002!

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